Titelbild: My fair Bradys: Adrianne Curry Americas Top Model. Lingerie Bowl Babe and VH1 wild Child Unwrapped
PLUS: Thongs, Garters and Girls - Al Franken interview: The Next Senator from Minnesota? - The Sex.com Scandal - John McCain, Dianne Ferinstein, Barney Frank and the No B.S. Caucus - Woman of Tuscany - 20Q Hugh Laurie a Dr. House call - Valentines best: Michael Gross, Oysters, Underwear, Jeff Greenfield, Indise Bodybuilding, Thom Jones, Golf Fashion
features THE TAKING OF SEX.COM Sex.com was perhaps the most valuable address on the web. See how the site became a gold mine during the dot-com boom, then watch as the party implodes in a swirl of swinging, speed, spending and, ultimately, rancorous litigation between two men fighting to control it. BY MICHAEL GROSS THE BIG SHOW A jaundiced journey through the freaky world of 21st century bodybuilding, in which today's champions are so pumped up they make Arnold Schwarzenegger look like your mom. BY CHARLES M. YOUNG THE NO-BULLSHIT CAUCUS Does everything out of Washington have to come laden with evasions, qualifications, special pleadings and out-and-out untruths? No. A handful of our politicians-John McCain, Dianne Feinstein, Barney Frank and others—deal in straight talk with a minimum of manipulation. BY JEFF GREENFIELD DIARY OF MY HEALTH The author of The Pugilist at Rest leaves no prescription unfilled as he uproariously details his manifold ailments and pharmacological reliefs. BY THOM JONES LOVE IS A MUCH REWRITTEN THING Even the world's greatest love poets had to begin with first drafts. We've collected some of the false starts. BY JOSH ROBERTSON OYSTER CULT Serving the world's most celebrated aphrodisiac at a social gathering makes a more sensuous statement than passing out edible underpants. We share a few pearls of wisdom about preparing these sumptuous bivalves. BY A.J. BAIME
fiction AN EXCITING NEW CAREER IN MEDICINE After her sister's tragic death, a dexterous woman becomes a health professional specializing in hand jobs, now said to cure many ailments. Soon she finds there's more to healing than lube and Kleenex. BY MICHELLE RICHMOND
the playboy forum OUR PILGRIM FANATICS Attitudes about sex, women and the Bible that were held by the religious fundamentalists who founded our country echo across the centuries as zealots seek to turn back history's clock. BY SIMON WORRALL
20Q HUGH LAURIE He plays a sardonic doctor with a prjckly bedside manner on House. Now the accomplished English actor dissects British colloquialisms, his status as the thinking woman's sex symbol and the Zen of boxing. BY DAVID RENSIN
interview AL FRANKEN The man who invented Stuart Smalley has turned into one of the country's strongest liberal voices, becoming the public face of Air America Radio en route. We ask the Saturday Night Live veteran about how his self-proclaimed Al Franken Millennium is going, what motivated him to write Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and who pisses him off the most. BY WARREN KALBACKER
Seitenanzahl: 156 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Centerfold / Poster: Miss Februar von 2006: Cassandra Lynn
Titelbild: My fair Bradys: Adrianne Curry Americas Top Model. Lingerie Bowl Babe and VH1 wild Child Unwrapped
PLUS: Thongs, Garters and Girls - Al Franken interview: The Next Senator from Minnesota? - The Sex.com Scandal - John McCain, Dianne Ferinstein, Barney Frank and the No B.S. Caucus - Woman of Tuscany - 20Q Hugh Laurie a Dr. House call - Valentines best: Michael Gross, Oysters, Underwear, Jeff Greenfield, Indise Bodybuilding, Thom Jones, Golf Fashion