PLUS: Special Valentine Issue: Suzanne Somers nude Playmate Test. Ten Glorious Pages of Tvs hottest Sex Star - Plus: Romane in the Fast Lane — a Concorde Weekend in Paris - Playboy's Guide to the Winter Olympics - A Rousing Look at the Year in Sex v William E Buckley, jr.'s Latest Spy Thriller - The Slick New Face of the K.K.K. - Top Presidential Advisor Patrick Caddell interviewed
TELEVISION The British recycle Rebecca, the Windsors; PBS adds Americana MOVIES Praise for The Rose, Kramer vs. Kramer, The Great Santini BOOKS Maxwell rates raves; a chip off the old Cheever. TRAVEL When is your good credit not your good credit? MUSIC New stuff from femme singers. COMING ATTRACTIONS Smart goes gaga over gadgets; what's next for Monty Python.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: PATRICK CADDELL—candid conversation The top pollster whom some consider Jimmy Carter's main unofficial advisor frankly discusses the upcoming Carter–Kennedy Democratic wars, Hamilton Jordans lifestyle and what he foresees in the coming election year.
WOMEN AT WAR—article ROBERT SHEA Using questionable research and relying heavily on emotional appeal, some women are turning the war against rape into an attack on basic American freedoms.
DOES PORNOGRAPHY LEAD TO RAPE?—interviews KATE NOLAN Shana Alexander, Erica Jong, Judith Rossner, Flo Kennedy and others give their answers.
TO PARIS—WITH LOVE AND THE CONCORDE—travel STEPHEN BIRNBAUM How'd you like to spend a romantic weekend in Paris and still be back to work on Monday morning? Believe us, the Concorde is the only way to go.
THE BUTTONDOWN TERROR OF DAVID DUKE—article .HARRY CREWS Wherever this young leader of the K!an goes, his children recognize his voice, and the message he carries is demonic.
THE WINTER OLYMPICS: PLAYBOY'S PICKS—sports ANSON MOUNT The author of our yearly round-hall and pigskin predictions takes a shot at calling the medal winners in the upcoming snow games.
IT TAKES A MOUNTAIN—sports JOHN SKOW A mountain of courage, that is, plus a dash of insanity and a love of speed. Put them an skis and you have a downhill racer.
NORTHERN DELIGHT—playboy's playmate of the month If you think of good fishing and good -cheese when you think of Wisconsin, think again. There's also Sandy Cagle.
LAYBOY'S PARTY JOKES—humor WHO'S ON FIRST—fiction WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR. In a first look at the author's new novel, you'll renew your acquaintance with agent Blackford Oakes, hero of Stained Glass and Saving the Queen; this time, surprisingly, he has been sentenced to hang
THE LEATHER REPORT—attire DAVID PLATT 127 Dang our hides if it ain't a good year for leathers. You might even be persueded to add some to your wardrobe.
PAINTIN' HER FINGERNAILS—verse SHEL SILVERSTEIN Some ladies spend their whole lives getting ready for Mr. Right.
SUZANNE SOMERS' PLAYMATE TEST—pictorial Before she became television's sexiest star, Suzanne posed for a PLAYBOY photography session, and we think you'll agree: She would have made a proof Playmate.
WINNING HAND GAMES—modern living Pocket-sized electronic games are the newest great way to have fun any time, anywhere.
THE YEAR IN SEX—pictorial lt was a good year and a bad year: good because quite a few clothes viere shed and a lot of love mode; not ro hot because a lot of the time you couldn't teil who was a he and who was a she.
LE ROY NEIMAN SKETCHBOOK=pictorCal Our artist in residence captures tilg spirit of roller skating.
PLAYBOY PIPELINE Man & woman; cutting the tost of auto insurance.
PLAYBOY'S INFORMED SOURCE Walking for health, happiness and sport
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE Cooking with a Vu, fashion, four great gadgets, Grapevine and Sex News
Seitenanzahl: 238 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Centerfold / Poster USA: Miss Februar von 1980: Sandra Cagle
PLUS: Special Valentine Issue: Suzanne Somers nude Playmate Test. Ten Glorious Pages of Tvs hottest Sex Star - Plus: Romane in the Fast Lane — a Concorde Weekend in Paris - Playboy's Guide to the Winter Olympics - A Rousing Look at the Year in Sex v William E Buckley, jr.'s Latest Spy Thriller - The Slick New Face of the K.K.K. - Top Presidential Advisor Patrick Caddell interviewed