PLUS: The Wild One! Jennifer Lopez Interview - Pro Football Preview - The Navy´s prettiest Petty Officier takes off her Uniform - College Gambling: The hottest Curriculum on Campus
MAKING BOOK ON CAMPUS Let's make a bet: We say students can place big-money wagers in the stacks ofthe college library. The odds are in our favor. BY ERIN ZAMMETT
GALERIE MORPHEUS A Beverly Hills gallery exhibits nightmares on canvas. And a life-size Alien. In the museum shop, no one hears you scream. BY ROBERT B. DESALVO
DR. JOKES Harold Ramis, the comic genius behind movies such as Animal House, Caddyshack and Groundhog Day, is back with a new flick, Bedazzled. BY DAVID RENSIN
EASTERN HORIZON E very year ] apanese automakers save their best new work for the Tokyo Motor Show. Say wasabi to this year's hottest models.
PLAYBOY'S PRO FOOTBALL FORECAST The era of dynasties is finished. Ta pick the winners, you need to study the losers. This season's pigskin talk is all about Colts and Skins. BY RICK GOSSELIN
YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE GAY TO GET LAID BUT IT HELPS! A little talk about uiomen's shoes goes a long way. So remake yourself with a bit of pink-and get ready to score. Swish! BY GLENN O'BRIEN
THE HOT, THE HORNY, THE HILARIOUS Since its debut 40 years ago this month, the Playboy Advisor has responded to 350,000Ietters. We've run 6000-here are some treasures.
BLACK INSIDE Outrageaus, rude? Count on it. Big? Almost nobody has taken off like Eminem.
20Q SETH GREEN Buffy the Vampire Slayer's rock-end-roll werewolf says Meryl Streep wants his junk and Susan Sarandon needs to loses that Robbins guy. BY ROSERT CRANE
DIGITAL WEARABLES The latest fashion is belt-clip Internet portals. BY TIMOTHY MOH
THE BLACK AND WHITE SISTERS Their hausehold is extreme: Swarthy Guinness, with its whipped-cream froth, is the only beer served. The whimsies of fashion are rooted in a colorful checkerboard explanation, but be forewarned: It's a dark one. BY T. CORAGHESSAN BOYLE
JENNIFER LOPEZ With three new movies and a new album, the multithreat talent is doing what even Madonna couldm't pull off-triumph as a singer and actor. And, oh yes, she has that affair with Sean Combs. And rocked the world with a dress. Read all about it. SY MICHAEL FLEMING
Cover Story At 45, Shori Belofonte is on unstoppoble force. She's hod storring roles on Hotel ond Beyond Reality, hos oppeored on more thon 300 magazine covers, hod 0 hit album overseos ond was nomed 0 top celebrity TY endorser by The Woll Street Journal. Thanks 10 photographer Greg Gorman for odding one more cover 10 Shori's portfolio. Our Robbit loves curlicues.
Seitenanzahl: 184 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Gewicht: 353 Gramm
Centerfold / Poster USA: Miss September von 2000: Kerissa Fare
PLUS: The Wild One! Jennifer Lopez Interview - Pro Football Preview - The Navy´s prettiest Petty Officier takes off her Uniform - College Gambling: The hottest Curriculum on Campus