PLUS: A Fonzie the Kids dont know: Henry Winkler Interviewed - Death, Drugs and the Double Cross John Le Carres new spy Thriller - Wet Women! Pattie McGuire and Friends conquer the Colorado - Playboys pro Football Forecast - The Perils of Living Together
EVENTS Playing the skin game: PLAYBOY correspondent covers a tattoo convention
MOVIES A Bridge Too Far earns a rave review; Jodie Foster makes dirty old men out of us all; Citizens Band crackles with energy.
MUSIC Flora Purim talks about her life since the drug bust; Emerson, Lake and Palmer wax four sides; our girl Lindsay goes to a kazoo concert
BOOKS Roger Kahn bats .500; Witcover produces the campaign book.
SELECTED SHORTS ARMS, ANYONE? PETER J. OGNIBENE If military weapons were sex, the United States would be the all-time hooker—we're selling them to almost everybody.
VE THEM AN INCH JIM DAVIDSON A caustic put-down of the metric system that looms over us all.
PLAYBOY SEX POLL .. HOWARD SMITH and BRIAN VAN DER HORST Both sexes are asked if they would have sex with someone for something they wanted. The second question is whether they would teil someone who wanted somethting from them that they had to have sex with them to get it.
PLAYBOY INTERVIEW: HENRY WINKLER—candid conversation The "Font" talks about the joys and pains of his career; how he's handled fame, success and groupies; and how he lost his virginity
THE HONOURABLE SCHOOLBOY—fiction JOHN LE CARRE From the author of The Spy Who Came In from the Cold, a new tale about a British secret agent masquerading as a Journalist in war-torn Pnompenh
RIVERBOAT GAMBOLERS—pictorial Playmate of the Year Patti McGuire and friends are photographed an a raff trip down the Colorado. The Grand Canyon is now grander.
WHITE-WATER RAMBLERS—article EDWARD ABBEY Rafting down the Colorado's rapids is child's play to the author of The Monkey Wrench Gang—he does it in a dinky little dory.
A MOVIE TOO FAR-article MARJORIE ROSEN On location with the cast of the biggest World War Two flick yet. Deventer, Holland, may never be the same after the making of A Bridge Too For.
KILL THEM AND EAT THEM-opinion JULES SIEGEL A final solution for what to do when the Martians land.
BIRD ON A WIRE-playboy's playmate of the month. Julia Lyndon loves to ride horses and talk an the phone. Her dream is to have a portable phone installed an her saddle.
FEET OF PLAY-attire DAVID PLATT Sports footwear to help you kick up your heels.
COHABITATION: THE TENDER TRAP-article .. EMMA STEVENS and STEPHEN HOLMES You don't have to be married these days to get divorced, and the courts say you can't avoid alimony, either!
AUTO EXOTICA-pictorial Out-of-the-ordinary wheels for the maverick motorist.
PLAYBOY'S PRO FOOTBALL PREVIEW-sports ANSON MOUNT It's that time again. See if you can beat our peerless seer's predictions.
MADAME CLAUDE-pictorial On-and-off-the-set photos of a movie that paus in an Paris' most famous house of pleasure.
TYING ONE ON-pictorial Playmate Karen Hafter teaches us some tricks with a swimsuit.
PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE PHOTO CONTEST-pictorial Our first-prize selection and thb ten runners-up.
THINK TANK Ginseng, lasers, bee pollen and holes in the head
PLAYBOY ON THE SCENE Table lamps, new audio gear and summer playthings.
Seitenanzahl: 210 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Centerfold / Poster: Playmate Miss August 1977 Julia Lyndon
PLUS: A Fonzie the Kids dont know: Henry Winkler Interviewed - Death, Drugs and the Double Cross John Le Carres new spy Thriller - Wet Women! Pattie McGuire and Friends conquer the Colorado - Playboys pro Football Forecast - The Perils of Living Together