PLUS: Holiday Anniversary Ussue - 15 Page Playmate Review our Biggest, best yet - Great Moments in Sex 1977 - Mel Brooks New Crazy Movie - Fellini, Peckinpah, Vadim and Antonioni Picture their Erotic Visions - Your own Tear-Out Hollywood board Game - Dan Greenburg Returns to sex Heaven - Fiction by Irwin Shaw and Erich Segal - Ufos: Playboy Panelists Separate fact from Fantasy - Shel Silversteins Big Smoke Off
PLAYBOY SEX POLL HOWARD SMITH This month's question: What kind of foreign man or woman would you prefer
PLAYBOY PANEL: UFOS-discussion America's foremost UFO researchers an both sides of the question discuss whether or not Earth has been visited by intelligent extraterrestrial beings.
A CONVERSATION ABOUT SEX AND WOMEN - WITH JEAN-PAUL SARTRE-interview CATHERINE CHAINE If you always thought philosophers spend their time thinking great abstrac thoughts, you're wrong. They think about topic A, like the rest of es.
FILM DIRECTORS' EROTIC FANTASIES-pictorial Federico Fellini, Louis Molle, Sam Peckinpah, Roger Vadirn and other famous directors show you exactly what rings their chimes
THE ELEVENTH-HOUR SANTA-gifts. A bagful of great last-minute stocking stuffers for oll you forgetful guys.
THAT WAS THE YEAR THAT WAS-humor: JUDITH WAX A satirical review of the big names of 1977.
TOMORROW'S TURN-ONS-attire: ROBERT L. GREEN A peek at future fashions by trend-setting designers.
TAKE MY WIFE-PLEASE!-article: DAN GREENBURG Our intrepid reporter returns tcr.Sandston;_., es it gces down for the third time and discovers that sometimes free love isn't free, it's just a mied bender.
ALEX HALEY'S CANDID CONVERSATIONS-interviews: Highlights of his Playboy Interviews with Miles Davis, Cassius Ciay, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr., and George Lincoln Rockwell.
YOU OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES-playboy's playmate of the month: Debra Jensen is pari Swedish, part American Indian and 100 percent beautifui.
A TERRIBLE BEAUTY BRAD HOLLAND; text by TOM WICKER The illustrator of our Ribald Classics demonstrates his genius for penetrating social statements.
CHAMPAGNE AND CAVIAR-food and drink.. EMANUEL GREENBERG As an American President once seid, why not the best?
MOVIEMAKING, SEVENTIES STYLE: HOLLYWOOD GOES BIG-BUDGET BANANAS-article JIM HARWOOD When it comes to investing in that big silver screen these days, the money men have reached the conclusion that less is not likely to be more.
THE MAKING OF "CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: OF THE THIRD KIND"-article JIM HARWOOD lt was moviernaking of the difilcult kind, bui somebody up there must Ilke flying-saucer Hicks.
SO THAT'S HOW THEY DO ITI-articie PENNFIELD JENSEN Behind the scenes with Hollywoods wizards cf illusion- -the special-effecis men.
THE HOLLYWOOD HUSTLE-board game Now you and your friends can be movie moguls in yo,:r cwn living room!
FULL MANY A FLOWER-fiction IRWIN SHAW Winning at professional football is a snap if a rich lunctic.
HE SMOKE OFF-humor SHEL SILVERSTEIN When the fastest smoker and the fastest joint rcIler meet for a showdown in front of 50,000 stoned fans, it's c life-cnd-death situation.
PLAYBOY'S PLAYMATE REVIEW-pictorial: If you don't already know, 1977 wcs c very cood year, indeed.
DOCTOR FASTEST-fiction ERICH SEGAL Selling one s soui to the Devil just ain't what it used to be.
THE YEAR IN SEX-pictorial: An instant replay of some of last year's best and warst moments in the world's never-ending struggle for sexual sanity.
PLAYBOY'S ANNUAL AWARDS Honoring the weiters, artists and photographers who won our votes for the post year's best contributions.
Seitenanzahl: 294 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
Centerfold / Poster: Playmate Miss Januar 1978 Debra Jensen
PLUS: Holiday Anniversary Ussue - 15 Page Playmate Review our Biggest, best yet - Great Moments in Sex 1977 - Mel Brooks New Crazy Movie - Fellini, Peckinpah, Vadim and Antonioni Picture their Erotic Visions - Your own Tear-Out Hollywood board Game - Dan Greenburg Returns to sex Heaven - Fiction by Irwin Shaw and Erich Segal - Ufos: Playboy Panelists Separate fact from Fantasy - Shel Silversteins Big Smoke Off